K. Lisbeth Photography

I’m alive! (I know you were worried.)

I haven’t been writing much lately due to a large change in where I’m focusing my creativity. (Although, let’s be honest here…I wasn’t writing much anyways.)

Introducing… K. Lisbeth Photography!

2014.3.21 Cru (5 of 58) 2013.3.31 Jake and Amanda (51 of 105) Hoyt Arboretum (1 of 1)

I’ve begun teaching myself how to use my camera, edit, and get the look I want in my photos. It’s a blast…I can’t believe I didn’t start sooner! Right now I’m working to build clientele. I have a crazy affordable Groupon deal going right now. Check it out! Tell your friends! I would love to take your photos!

Contact me through:

Facebook: www.facebook.com/klisbethphotography

Email: kaishabannon@gmail.com

Phone: (360)927-7493

things that happened while I was ignoring you

my apologies for being a lousy blogger. but i have a life (code for nothing smart enough in my brain to write about). so get over it. however I will try to appease your gallimaufry withdrawals with this little photo update:

20130531-222648.jpgCody was kind enough to drive me all the way to Montana to see my family and attend a dear friend’s wedding

20130531-222701.jpgCody turned 21…finally. i no longer have to buy his beer. You’d think being his sole provider of beer would be a wonderful advantage as his wife. Unfortunately I’m too nice for that. Which makes it simply a pain.

20130531-222721.jpgThis brave 6 year old had an successful 8 hr heart surgery and obviously came through strong and proud…and no longer purple.

20130531-222744.jpgWe brought this annoyance home. I promptly fell in love right before the realization that Cody is simply too allergic for a happy ending.

20130531-222753.jpgThis beauty got hitched.

20130531-222818.jpgI taught myself a little bit of this…

20130531-222840.jpg…and some of that.

20130531-222914.jpgAnd ink happened.

life in no particular order

1. made pumpkin pancakes and sprayed whipped cream all over the wall. i won’t say who did it. but it was in his beard too.

2. went to fancy fancy dinner to celebrate scoring the nanny job

3. took pictures of ‘the face’…this is only one of many faces that were photographed

4. biked down a trail around a miniature lake

5. just for his credit…this is about the only face i can make…

6. had difficulty with the self-portraits…also wore big earrings for the first time ever

7. worked on becoming better at taking pictures of life

8. saw the coast

9. watched cheese get packaged on assembly line

10. hung out everyday with these new friends



there is a very large piece of me that is ashamed to admit that i’m addicted to pinterest. but there’s also a very truthful piece of me that realizes the extreme helpfulness of pinterest. i have gotten hair ideas, decorating ideas, crafts, art inspiration, and tons of super good recipes off it. and the thing is i actually do stuff with the ideas. so it’s not actually a waste of time.

point of all that being: i found a cool bed idea that i wanted to try. our apartment is pretty snazzied up. it looks decorated and lived in. except the bedroom. we’ve got a matress on the floor with covers that just never look neat no matter how hard i try (so i don’t try very often), a beat up marvelous green dresser which i love, and cody’s desk stacked with bills and insurance muck. (many thanks to him for dealing with that stuff, by the way. i get instantly lost on insurance. partly cuz insurance guys talk to fast, and partly cuz they speak insurance language. i am only familiar with the sounds of the insurance language words, but not the meanings.)

point of that being: the bedroom sucks as far as cuteness and creativity. then i came across this interesting idea on pinterest. you take pallets and paint them and then just put your mattress on top. it sounds weird…but trust me it looks cool. it’s sort of rusticy but with neutral colors it’s classy and if you add cool texture to the bed covers could be fabulous.

so i showed cody and he thought about it and decided it was a grand idea. he went on the craigslist free section and wrote down addresses of places that had free pallets in order from closest to home to farthest from home. he’s smart.

and we set off in my gas chugging little car to travel the city in search of free pallets. we found new cute parts of town. we stopped at an interesting store that was closing. i couldn’t tell if it was an antique store, a used furniture store, or what. but i liked it. we found 2 pallets in a very small space under a parking garage. but no one else had good ones. or else they didn’t have them at all. or else they were locked behind a fence.

we needed more pallets but we had exhausted our options so as we were driving away from our last destination i spotted a krispy kream and suggested donuts. cody wanted coffee, but not krispy kream coffee. probably gross. so we also got starbucks which is much better and perfect for fulfilling all coffee needs.

so we drove home from our quest with 2 pallets, coffee, a jelly donut for me and a very large box of 20 donut holes for cody. he had to get 20 because he knows that i tend to say i don’t want more, but then eat all his. which i did.

the face

cody is very proud of his face. he believes that i should have an entire blog dedicated to the faces of his face. because, as my mother once said, ‘he could narrate a whole story just with his eyebrows.’ and she speaks truth:


why does no one really talk about the importance of friendship in marriage? probly they do, i just have haven’t read those books or listened to those sermons. but really…it seems important.

it’s kind of scary being married to my best friend. sometimes it’s a little too close for comfort and a little too hard to hide my sinning crap, even for the high level of outward-perfection skills i have achieved. it tends to bring out more of my snottiness than any other friendship i’ve had. we also have more fights than i’ve ever had with a friend.

but something about that makes it better…i suppose more meaningful. probably because no other friend has seen the chasm of ick inside me like he has. and after seeing it, i doubt anyone but him would still want to get starbucks and play bananagrams and watch the office with me.

also why did no one ever tell me that husband high-fives are almost just as awesome as husband hugs and kisses?